IEEE Cybersecurity Development Conference

Cambridge, MA

SecDev is distinguished by its focus on how to “build security in” (and not simply to discover the absence of security). Its goal is to encourage and disseminate ideas for secure system development among both academia and industry.

2018 Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference

Portland,OR Portland, OR, United States

The Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference (PNSQC) was founded in 1982 as a non-profit Oregon corporation. PNSQC’s organization is governed by its Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.

ICCC 2018

Amsterdam, Netherlands

ICCC is a high-level technical conference, a forum for discussion [...]

CSA and SAFECode Host: The Role of Security Champions in DevOps

Organizations need Security Champions to help foster security best practices to ensure a security-supportive culture. During this webinar the Cloud Security Alliance/SAFECode DevSecOps Working Group will share how to build a group of Security Champions and the characteristics they possess.


Orlando, Florida

SAFECode secured two presentations at the 2019 (ISC)2 Security Congress, [...]