Security engineering training by SAFECode is an online community resource offering free software security training courses delivered via on-demand webcasts.
Covering issues from preventing SQL injection to avoiding cross site request forgery, the courses are designed to be used as building blocks for those looking to create an in-house training program for their product development teams, as well as individuals interested in enhancing their skills. All courses are free and published under a Creative Commons license and open, non-commercial usage of the content is encouraged.
SAFECode will be adding new courses to the site on an ongoing basis. Our goal is to create a diverse catalog of security engineering training courses for all expertise levels as a community resource.
Course participants are encouraged to leave feedback on the courses. Your feedback will be used to help keep the material up-to-date and ensure it best meet the needs of the community it aims to serve.
SAFECode would like to thank Adobe for its generous donation of its internal training curriculum, which provided the foundation for the courses currently available on the site.
In addition, we would like to thank the many contributors from across the SAFECode membership for the many hours of work they put into to reviewing, editing and supplementing each course to ensure the quality and broad applicability of the content delivered. While there are too many contributors to name, the following individuals played an especially important role in course development.
Prithvi Bisht, Adobe
Edward Bonver, Symantec
Doug Cavit, Microsoft (former)
Michael Fanning, Microsoft
Eugen Huber, Siemens
Josh Kebbel-Wyen, Adobe
Souheil Moghnie, Symantec
Gerhard Muenz, Siemens
Peter Panholzer, Siemens
Frances Paulisch, Siemens
Stuart Schwartz, Symantec
Arjuna Shunn, Microsoft
Roberto Suárez, Siemens
Bryan Sullivan, Microsoft
Izar Tarandach, EMC
Janean Timber, Intel
Ryan Ware, Intel