SAFECode Member-Only Brown Bag series
April 23, 2019 @ 11:00 am
Join SAFECode for our virtual webinar series! Each month, SAFECode experts will share information about software and supply chain security topics that are currently top of mind. All sessions are one hour in length and include plenty of time for Q&A and discussion.
To Register, please email [email protected]
Dynamic Languages and the peril of dependency nightmares
Today’s fast paced development environment using Python, Node.js (and others) is a path fraught with danger. From uncurated repositories to small packages pulling in hundreds if not thousands of dependencies, there is a need to be more aware of the potential dangers.
Years ago, left-pad on npm was removed by a developer which ultimately brought down high profile projects around the world. Three years later, malware was injected into a library that affected thousands of additional projects.
This webinar will show you how you can take steps to lower the risk of attacks on your projects.
Speaker: Miki Demeter, Intel
My career has encompassed everything from firmware to application space. I have worked with teams providing full stack development. My last 8 years have had Security focus as the Security Champion for the Open Source Technology Center @ Intel. My current position as a Security Researcher In the IPAS GO (formerly Security Center of Excellence) working on Secure Development Lifecycle governance and as Product Security Expert for Open Source Software. I strive to instill a security first attitude in products, by working with developers to make informed choices when using Open Source. I am a writer and Public Speaker for technical subjects as well as Diversity & Inclusion and other social subjects.
Interested in proposing a topic or hosting a session? Submit your proposal here and we’ll be in touch.