SAFECode Expands Membership Structure
Associate Membership in SAFECode Now Open to Organizations with a Commitment to Software Assurance
SAFECode Welcomes Autodesk and Codenomicon as its First Associate Members
San Francisco (RSA Conference) – Feb. 24, 2014 – The Software Assurance Forum for Excellence in Code (SAFECode), a non-profit organization working to increase trust in technology products and services through the advancement of effective software assurance methods globally, today announced that it has expanded the organization through the creation of an Associate membership. Through this change, SAFECode membership is now open to any organization with a demonstrated commitment to software assurance, expanding the membership beyond commercial technology providers for the first time in its history. SAFECode is pleased to welcome Autodesk and Codenomicon as its first Associate members.
“SAFECode’s membership expansion will enable us to harness valuable knowledge from a broader set of experts in service of our mission, helping us to deliver new and more diverse software assurance resources globally and more directly support a wider range of software security needs across the software development landscape,” said Howard A. Schmidt, Executive Director, SAFECode. “The new members we are welcoming today are an example of the type of diverse expertise this expansion brings to our mission and we are very excited to begin working with them and other Associate members that join behind them.”
Associate members take an active role in promoting software assurance best practices and their technical contributions will help SAFECode continue to build its body of work around software assurance. They also join SAFECode’s network of software assurance practitioners, benefitting from a unique collaboration around software assurance practices, trends and resources.
“We are very excited about this next chapter in SAFECode’s development while remaining committed to our founding vision and principles,” said Schmidt. “Software assurance is vital to preserving trust in information technology products and services. There is significant value in identifying and promoting the secure development practices that have proven both practical and effective across a broad segment of the software development landscape. We believe SAFECode is now in an even stronger position to carry out this important work.”
To preserve the unique collaboration platform SAFECode has been successful in delivering to a segment of the commercial technology provider landscape, the organization will retain its Charter-level membership on an invitation-only basis. Charter members will hold positions on the Board of Directors and play a strong leadership role in SAFECode’s overall direction.
Organizations interested in joining SAFECode can visit to download the membership application and supporting materials.
About SAFECode
The Software Assurance Forum for Excellence in Code (SAFECode) is a non-profit organization exclusively dedicated to increasing trust in information and communications technology products and services through the advancement of effective software assurance methods. SAFECode is a global, industry-led effort to identify and promote best practices for developing and delivering more secure and reliable software, hardware and services.