Steve Lipner, the man behind Microsoft’s Security Development Lifecycle, and SAFECode chairman until his retirement from Microsoft earlier this year has just been inducted into the National Cyber Security Hall of Fame.
All of the SAFECode board members have been privileged to work closely with Steve over many years and we all know firsthand that this induction is well-deserved. On behalf of the SAFECode board, I want to congratulate Steve.
Steve’s contributions to software assurance go well beyond what he did with Microsoft or SAFECode, and have influenced the entire IT industry. More than 10 years ago, Steve and his team were the first ones to implement a scalable, secure approach to software development across a large organization. Their work became a reference for many of the software security practitioners who followed in their footsteps, me included.
We all know that secure software development is a holistic process and depends on the organization’s products, culture, customer requirements and technical focus. Steve’s work has helped define common practices that are now used for secure software development across many software engineering teams. SAFECode is proud to build on top of Steve’s legacy, and to continue to evolve and promote these practices to its members and the industry at large.
Congratulations Steve!
By Eric Baize
Eric Baize is Senior Director, Product Security and Trusted Engineering for EMC and the Chairman of SAFECode