By Carol Clark, Director of Marketing, SAFECode
Eric Baize believes culture is an essential part of human society.
But the SAFECode Chairman and Vice President, Product Security at Dell EMC is not talking about poetry or opera.
Instead, Baize will be representing SAFECode and discussing culture as it relates to software development.
During his keynote address at IEEE SecDev 2017 at the Hyatt Regency, Cambridge, MA on September 26 at 9:30 am he will lay out a vision for building security into the software culture. IEEE SecDev is a venue for presenting ideas, research, and experience about how to develop secure systems. The two-and-a-half day event includes tutorials and presentations on topics such as machine learning approaches to secure development, addressing hardware vulnerabilities with software, securing databases, cryptography implementations for security, and advances in programming languages.
Register today for IEEE SecDev 2017; Information: IEEE SecDev program
Keynote Presentation Preview
The point of Baize’s presentation to the developers, academics and organizations in the audience will be that changing the software culture is necessary if we want to win the secure software development battle in the long run. Everyone – software developers, development organizations and technology consumers – has a role to play.
For almost two decades, software security practitioners have successfully defined advanced techniques and tools that can effectively be applied to develop secure software. Today, with tens of millions of developers creating code for all kinds of software-enabled devices, mobile apps and cloud services, we need to expand the conversation to how to scale software security. Baize will challenge software developers, development organizations and technology consumers to change their culture in order to deliver software security at scale. Culture is what makes something pervasive and gives it scale. It’s not about technology. It’s all about changing the culture so that the technology is broadly adopted.
Baize will identify the many stakeholders who are shaping today’s software culture. These stakeholders can have a direct or indirect influence over people and organizations creating or using software and change the way all of us work, leading to the delivery and deployment of more secure software.
The presentation will conclude with specific actions to spur discussion around how we, as an industry, can usher in a more secure future for software. These actions include steps to be addressed in education, at the corporate level and in the open source community. Explore more information about the IEEE SecDev event or sign-up for SAFECode’s email newsletter to be kept up-to-date.